1. Basic policy for IR activities
As a basic policy for IR activities, we believe that disclosing corporate information to all stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner is our duty as a listed company and that fulfilling this duty is indispensable as a member of the sound securities market. Through the implementation of IR activities based on this basic policy, we aim to deepen our relationships of trust with shareholders and investors on an ongoing basis and to obtain appropriate evaluations.
2. Information Disclosure Standards
We will disclose information in accordance with the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, other laws and regulations, and the timely disclosure rules stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Even if the rules do not apply to timely disclosure, we will voluntarily and proactively disclose information that may have a significant impact on investors' investment decisions. We will not disclose personal information, customer information, or information that may violate the rights of related parties.
3. Methods of Information Disclosure
In accordance with the Timely Disclosure Regulations, we disclose information that meets the Timely Disclosure Regulations using the Timely Information Communication System (“TDnet”: Timely Disclosure network) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. After confirming that TDnet information has been disclosed, it will be posted on our website. We will strive to disclose information in an easy-to-understand, timely, appropriate, and fair manner to as many shareholders and investors as possible through various means, such as recording financial statements, press releases, press conferences, financial results briefings, individual interviews with analysts, and experience meetings of our services as needed.
4. Organization structure for IR activities
In addition to information related to decisions made, events occurring, and financial results, information that may have a significant impact on investors‘ investment decisions is disclosed by charge of IR under the direction of the person responsible for Information disclosure. The person responsible for Information disclosure is the head of Business Management Group, and the CFO, the persons in charge of IR, and related divisions confirm and discuss the content of disclosure, thereby ensuring prompt, accurate, and fair disclosure of corporate information.
5. Initiatives to Enhance IR Activities
We will strive to build a scheme for utilizing dialogue with shareholders and investors by sharing the evaluations and knowledge gained from our shareholders and investors within the company, including the CEO and the director in charge, and reflecting them in our business operations. In addition, we will thoroughly disseminate the importance of timely disclosure to our officers and employees through training and other education and strive to build a corporate culture that emphasizes information management and timely disclosure. In addition, in order to enhance IR activities, we will take measures that emphasize dialogue with shareholders and investors, including holding briefings on financial results. Through these efforts, we believe that investor relations activities contribute to the improvement of our corporate value and sustainable growth over the medium to long term. We aim to deepen our relationships of trust with shareholders and investors on an ongoing basis and to obtain an appropriate evaluation by providing corporate information needed for investment decisions in a timely, appropriate, and fair manner.
6. Silent Period
From the perspective of preventing leaks of financial information and ensuring fairness in information disclosure, we have designated the period from the day following the last day of each quarter until the day of announcement of financial results of the quarter as the silent period during which we refrain from commenting on or responding to any question regarding the financial results. We appreciate our stakeholders' understanding. However, if we determine that the actual financial results are expected to deviate significantly from the published future outlook during the silent period or if any critical factors arise, we will promptly disclose such information.
7. Disclosure policy on forward-looking statements
The information we disclose may include forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on the information available to us at the time of disclosure and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Therefore, you should not make investment decisions based solely on future prospects.
8. Handling of Insider Information
In principle, we do not convey insider information or information that we deem important to a third party (including officers and employees) until it is officially disclosed. We have stipulated " Regulations for Timely Disclosure,“ and "Administrative Regulations for Insider Information," which clearly stipulates rules for the management of important information and the purchase and sale of our own shares. We are working to ensure that our officers and employees are thoroughly familiar with measures to prevent insider trading through in-house training and other means. In addition, when engaging in dialogue with shareholders and investors, the Company provides warnings in advance regarding the handling of important facts in order to prevent the leakage of insider information.
9. Responding to Analyst Reports
We do not comment on the analyst report. However, we will take appropriate measures in cases where we judge that there is a mistake in fact.
10. Responding to market rumors
We do not comment on market rumors. Also, we will not comment on inquiries. However, we will take appropriate measures when we judge that the content of the report could have a significant impact on us.